This Agreement is effective from the Service Commencement Date as defined in Claus1.1 (k) of the Master Services Agreement

This Agreement provides the right under certain eventual circumstances specified herein below, for the Customer to receive Service Credits in the event of failure by ICSDC to provide Services to the Customer in accordance with the Master Services Agreement.

Customer acknowledges that ICSDC has the infrastructure, expertise, domain knowledge and requisite experience to provide the Services. The Customer has shown his interest in availing services from ICSDC by accepting the terms and conditions mentioned in this Agreement and the standard of the Services as provided in this SLA.


In this SLA, the following words and expressions, unless inconsistent and repugnant to the context, shall bear the meanings assigned thereto:

“Billing Start Date” shall mean the date of communication of commissioning of services submitted to the Customer by ICSDC. In case the Customer is not satisfied with the solution delivered by ICSDC, the Customer shall inform ICSDC of the same within 72 Hours of the receipt of Commissioning Date. Upon receipt of the objection, ICSDC shall suspend all Services, make the changes required and release the environment once again with a new Commissioning Report. In such case, the latter one shall be regarded as the Billing Start Date. If the Customer uses the commissioned set-up, though he has a few outstanding requests, Customer shall pay full charges from the first communication of commissioning, unless partial billing is agreed to between the parties, before the Customer starts using the Services. If no partial billing, agreement has been reached and if Customer uses the Services even after raising objections, Customer shall pay in full from the first date of communication of commissioning.

“Downtime (D)” shall mean the duration of the Service Outage, calculated in aggregate number of hours in respective month. Where if ICSDC identifies the service outage, the downtime begins from there on or if customer identifies and a Trouble Ticket is raised from the occurrence of Service Outage, the time period for Downtime begins upon start of Service Outage and ends when the Trouble Ticket is closed by ICSDC subject to due confirmation from the Customer on successful resolution of the outage. The time periods are calculated on basis of the number of outages per respective month and excluding the events covered under headings Exceptions to this SLA which shall not for the purposes of this SLA be included while calculating the Downtime.

“Exceptions” shall mean all the events as mentioned in Clause 3 of this SLA and shall include either an event or a set of events, any occurrence and the duration of occurrence of which shall not constitute a Service Outage or Downtime for the purposes of this SLA.

“Emergency Maintenance” shall mean maintenance carried out under a condition or situation which poses danger to the system, equipment, network, facilities required for rendering the Service etc. as the case may be and requires to be attended/addressed immediately. ICSDC shall try to notify the Customer about the emergency maintenance in advance, whenever feasible.

“Facility” means the physical locations ICSDC, worldwide, where the physical/virtual equipment for ICSDC are located.

“Fees” means the amount invoiced by ICSDC for services subscribed by the Customer.

“Network” means the portion of internal computer network owned or operated on behalf of ICSDC that extends from the outbound port on a Customer’s cabinet switch to the outbound port on the border router and includes all redundant internet connectivity, bandwidth, routers, cabling and switches.

“Actual Uptime (AU)” shall mean the aggregate percentage of Total Uptime Hours in respective month during which the Services are actually made available for use by Customer.

“Representatives” means any person who is nominated or appointed by the Customer to visit the facilities of ICSDC or to interact with the authorized personnel of ICSDC.

“Service Credits” herein shall mean as defined in the Master Services Agreement.

“Service Catalogue” shall mean as defined in the Master Services Agreement.

“Service Outage” shall mean an unscheduled disruption/failure in any Service offered by ICSDC as per this Agreement, due to which Customer is unable to access the services subscribed from ICSDC for reasons solely attributable to and admitted by ICSDC.

“Setup Charges” means all additional charges which may be levied by ICSDC for installing or configuring the server or any other devices for the successful commencement of services to the customer.

“Support Desk” shall be the location where the Customer should report a fault. Details of the same are mentioned in Schedule B to this SLA, or if changed, may be intimated from time to time by ICSDC to the Customer.

“Trouble Ticket” means issuing a ticket with a unique identification number confirming the Customer complaint logged in with ICSDC Support Desk in relation to a Service Outage faced by the Customer.


2.1. ICSDC may provide such Services as provided in the Service Catalogue provided in Annexure A to this SLA. The Customer may issue one or more purchase/Work/Service orders to ICSDC for Services and ICSDC shall accept the purchase/Work/Service order only if it is in accordance with the terms of both Master Services Agreement, this Agreement and for services as covered by the Service Catalogue.

2.2. ICSDC assures Customer that it shall provide reasonably immediate support and assistance in the event of any disruption in the Services being provided by ICSDC. The manner and the period required for troubleshooting and the timeline for the resolution of the problems are mentioned in the Annexure A of this Agreement. In Case Of Outage ICSDC shall endeavour to communicate to Customer any outages within 20 minutes of observation of fault by its Support Technicians.

2.3. ICSDC assures the Customer a 99.99 % uptime availability of the Infrastructure covered by this SLA, subject to Clause 3 of this SLA, in the event ICSDC fails to provide the Customer with the Services required by the Customer in accordance with this SLA, such failure resulting from complete unavailability of ICSDC network will be treated as “Service Outage” for which ICSDC will issue the Customer a Service Credit – calculated as per method provided in Clause 2.4.

2.4. ICSDC assures the customer of Service Level that the Actual Uptime shall be maintained at 99.50% in any given calendar month. Total Uptime Hours is total number of days in a calendar month multiplied by 24. The formula for calculation AU percentage is as given below. 

If the outage exceeds the SLA the following service credits shall be due to Customer:

Service Outages

Service Credit

AU is more than 99.99%


AU is more than 99.00% but less than 99.99%

24 Hours

AU is more than 98.00% but less than 99.00%

72 Hours

AU is more than 95.00% but less than 98.00%

168 Hours

AU is less than 95%

360 Hours

2.5. The Customer is required to provide a preventive maintenance window, once in every month, or as the need may arise, to enable ICSDC to update the various patches and carry out other preventive maintenance. The time required to carry out this preventive maintenance by ICSDC shall depend upon the environment of the Customer and shall be informed to the Customer before the time window is sought. During this window, Customer’s environment shall not be available and the same shall not be counted as Downtime. For the customized solutions provided by ICSDC, preventive maintenance is absolutely essential, and the SLAs offered by ICSDC are based on the explicit understanding that the Customer will provide opportunity for ICSDC to carry out preventive maintenance from time to time. In case the Customer does not provide, at least once in a month, the requisite downtime to carry out preventive maintenance activities, even after a request is made by ICSDC, ICSDC shall not be liable to provide any Service Credits or any other compensation in case of downtime or any other loss to the Customer such as data loss, denial of service or virus attacks.

2.6. This SLA shall not apply to customer provided equipment, hardware and software. This SLA shall also not apply to portions of the customer software application, if it is running on a dedicated standalone hardware. Dedicated standalone hardware in case applicable, can be derived from the SOF.


3.1.   The following events do not constitute a Downtime and shall not be eligible to be considered for any Service Credit:

3.1.1. Interruption due to scheduled maintenance, alteration, or implementation, where the Service Provider ICSDC provides at least 24 hours prior notice to the Customer. 

3.1.2. The monthly maintenance window as described in clause 2.5 above.

3.1.3. Failure of the Customer Wide Area Network links, internet connectivity, access circuits, local loop or any network not owned or managed or within the domain of ICSDC.

3.1.4. Failure due to application software, databases or any other software components, which is not managed by ICSDC.

3.1.5. DNS (Domain Name Service) issues not in scope and control of ICSDC.

3.1.6. Negligence or other conduct of Customer or its authorized persons and or representatives, including a failure or malfunction resulting from applications or services provided by Customer or its authorized persons;

3.1.7. A shut down due to circumstances reasonably believed by ICSDC to be a significant threat to the normal operation of the Services, ICSDC’s facility, or access to or integrity of Customer data (e.g., hacker or virus attack);

3.1.8. Circumstances wherein ICSDC is forced to shut down the infrastructure on legal orders of competent government authority.

3.1.9. Failure or malfunction of any equipment or services neither provided nor owned or supported by ICSDC;

3.1.10. Any abuse or fraud failure to comply with the Acceptable Use Policy on the part of Customer or its persons or representatives.

3.1.11. Any interruptions, delays or failures caused by Customer or Customer’s employees,

3.1.12. Agents, or subcontractors, such as, the following: Inaccurate configuration. Non-compliant use of any software installed on the server. Customer initiated server over-utilization. Any problems related to the attacks on the machine such as hacking, attacks, and exploits.

3.1.13. Force Majeure/Vis Major event 


4.1. ICSDC agrees that customer shall be entitled to service credits in the event, ICSDC, despite its best efforts, is not able to provide the committed services for which it has already received the full payments/consideration.

4.2. ICSDC shall provide Service Credits only if all due payments are cleared by the customer until the date of Service Outage.

4.3. ICSDC agrees that on occurrence of any event that entitles the Customer with service credits, the Customer shall be eligible to request a Service Credit only on compliance of the terms as mentioned in Clause 6.1.(a) of this SLA.

4.4. Customer shall be eligible for Service Credit for only those Downtimes which have occurred a month prior to the date of claim and the maximum Service Credit to which Customer shall be entitled is as mentioned in Clause6.1.(c).

4.5. Service Credits are Customer’s sole and exclusive remedy for any performance or availability issues for any Service under the Agreement and this SLA. Customer may not unilaterally offset its Applicable Monthly Service Fees for any performance or availability issues.

Service Credits apply only to fees paid for the particular Service, Service Resource, or Service tier for which a Service Level has not been met. In cases where Service Levels apply to individual Service Resources or to separate Service tiers, Service Credits apply only to fees paid for the affected Service Resource or Service tier, as applicable. The Service Credits awarded in any billing month for a particular Service or Service Resource will not, under any circumstance, exceed Customer’s monthly service fees for that Service or Service Resource, as applicable, in the billing month.

If Customer has purchased Services as part of a suite or other single offer, the Applicable Monthly Service Fees and Service Credit for each Service will be pro-rated. If Customer has purchased the Service from a reseller, it shall receive the service credit directly from its reseller and the reseller shall receive the Service Credit directly from ICSDC. The Service Credit shall be based on the estimated retail price for the applicable Service, as determined by ICSDC in its’ reasonable discretion.

If Customer has purchased Services as part of a suite or other single offer, the Applicable Monthly Service Fees and Service Credit for each Service will be pro-rated. If Customer has purchased the Service from a reseller, it shall receive the service credit directly from its reseller and the reseller shall receive the Service Credit directly from ICSDC. The Service Credit shall be based on the estimated retail price for the applicable Service, as determined by ICSDC in its’ reasonable discretion..


5.1. The Customer shall pay all the charges in full as set out in the Agreement which includes one-time setup charges, Annual recurring charges and other supplemental charges for any Supplemental Services provided including before the Service Commencement Date.


6.1. Whenever the Customer encounters Service Outage, the following procedure should be followed;

6.1.1. The Customer should contact ICSDC “Support Desk” without undue delay, shall request immediately for a Trouble Ticket number, and can track the Trouble Ticket number until the Trouble Ticket is closed on successful resolution of the Service Outage.

6.1.2. ICSDC on the receipt of the issue of Trouble Ticket to the Customer shall, verify the veracity of the Customer’s eligibility to the Service Credit.

6.1.3. When ICSDC fails to provide Services in accordance of the SLA entitling Customer for Service Credits, ICSDC shall acknowledge and communicate the service credits provided to the customer

6.2. Service Credits shall be adjusted only after the end of existing contract by way of giving additional service Days/Hours equal to the ICSDC approved Service Credits.


7.1. Additional Warranties of ICSDC in regard to SLA:

ICSDC warrants that it shall perform and provide Services in a professional and diligent manner in accordance with this Agreement.


With a commitment and desire to offer the best possible technology to the Customer and evolutions in technology, ICSDC shall change or upgrade its platform from time to time as the need arises. Accordingly, ICSDC reserves its right to change the platform without any change in the service levels committed.





* Time starts when the problem is detected by ICSDC Help Desk team or reported by the customer and ends on successful resolution of the issue




P3 Ticket

P2 Ticket

P1 Ticket


L 0

0 Min

0 Min

0 Min

Open Ticket on

L 1

> 1 Hr

> 30 Min

> 15 min

Call Central Support

L 2

> 8 Hrs

> 4 Hr

> 1 Hr

Contact your AM/TAM


> 12 Hrs

> 8 Hrs

> 2 Hrs

Contact Director @ 9810958857/

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